Tuesday, August 30, 2011

thank you, freud

ahh, the human mind and the tricks it loves to play. freud discussed repression in great depth. it seems fitting that my very first post was also about digging things from deep inside, completely unaware of their context. It's like composing a unique song, only to discover that the melody is one that you've heard somewhere unknowingly before.

this morning i decided to sketch again. I thought it should be something quirky....something silly, like animals doing tricks. so i googled various animals....and then various activities they could be doing....and started combining them in different ways.

I found this photo of a bear i really liked....
I decided it would be funny if he were riding a bike. after more googling, i drew him on a unicycle. I spent half the day basking in my cleverness....

six hours later while sitting in the sauna, it suddenly occurred to me that this is very similar subject matter to that of an ex-boyfriend's tattoo. funny how the things we put furthest from our mind still find a way to break through the surface.

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